I was recently talking on Facebook with a college friend. She has had some very grave trials in her married life and she is just starting to take up her music again. She is a talented singer, pianist and teacher. It reminded me of a dark time in my life, when it seemed like that thing that I loved so much, music, and writing music, made no sense anymore. My writing was dark, and not hopeful, and I stopped composing. I stopped playing because it just felt fake.
I wonder have you been there? Have you encountered a time maybe when your joy was less than full and the thing that you loved brought you more pain than happiness? My musical journey has been more painful than anything, and yet it's still something that I have invested a lot of time and energy in. God has blessed in amazing ways but not always the way I wanted him to.
I was thrilled my friend, had enough distance from her trials to be able to feel the music again. Whether you are in the middle of the pain, just starting or just ending a trial, there is hope. God is our lamp in the darkness and while he doesn't remove our pain or grief, He does promise to walk with us through the darkness, and to turn into eventually into light! (II Sam.22:29)
I hope you find encouragement here. Tragedy doesn't keep us sidelined forever. God makes a way for us to make the music again. My prayer is that you can find great comfort in these words!